Thank you nightly moth! This soon to be 73 year old lady is in the streets, "not obeying in advance". Our Country is worth it, find YOUR way to resist! We also owe it to all who came before us and showed us how!

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wow, that's a mixed bag ... not so sure about the comments on the slaves and native Americans ... he's got some points about the child labor comparison, but (maybe conveniently) didn't mention the indecent treatment of slaves or natives (which seems to have been pretty common) ... what I did like is his belief in the constitution (which is a beauty) and standing up against tyrants and greed and for the 'common' man ... to not let another man define who you are ... there are some inspiring passages indeed, that seem so foreign in the times we live in today. but that is all I can say, since I don't know much about the man and his life and character, except for what I heard here. due to my partial ignorance I'll take his words for face value, running with the parts that inspire me, ... and maybe educate myself more. It certainly is thought provoking, considering the political situation of our time, where corruption seems to not just have saturated the political arena, most of society on nearly all levels. There seems to be a lack of positive role models. I personally think that from a certain age onward, we all need to be asking ourselves what role models we ourselves are for each other and coming generations. It certainly is no good reclining in indifference or waiting around for a saviour or leader ... I believe we should have learned that lesson by now! But then again, how often have I been called naive or a fool for believing that we the people have to work on ourselves to be better brothers and sister to eachother?

Thank You for posting this speech!

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I cannot find any sources for the content in this video. Is it possible that Bob wrote it himself? This is fascinating.

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