Question, we are going on 4th of July, Show starts at 1:30 PM. how may hours did the show last? I just need to plan since i have 2 dogs at home that hate fireworks. Thank you

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Appreciate having these lyrics and first takes as I head to shows next Sunday and the following Thursday (4th of July “Picnic”) – you’ve saved me a lot of time pulling the lyrics up. Also appreciate that you led with the band personnel – too little of that in real time, and while I understand the intense focus on the set list, the composition of the band is so critical. All of that said, I’m not sure we won’t see variation and – even significant – change in the set list as the summer goes on, particularly during the 3-week break before everyone heads out west. Will miss what Donnie Herron adds, though wouldn’t be surprised to see him back very soon – his skills as a multi instrumentalist would serve this set list superbly.

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